Operation Research O.R. Homework Assignment Help
Operation Research is concerned with controlling and coordinating operations within organization.
Operation Research is mainly used for deciding scientifically best design & operates machine conditionally. OR is also used in solving problems scientifically in execution management. It is an applied decision theory, using mathematical logic & scientific logic.
Operation Research (O.R.) Phases & Processes
1. Formulation Problems
2. Develop Model
3. Select Data Input Appropriate
4. Model Solution
5. Validation of Model
6. Solution Implementation
Operation Research O.R. homework Help & Assignment Help with Live Online Tutor
Are you searching operation research O.R. tutor for tough level homework & assignment problems? Are you not able to solve your O.R. problems? Tutorsbiz.com has excel in solving OR problems in easy way and give you best possible answers for OR homework assignment. We have specialized tutors for OR and they are capable to solve any kind of OR related problems.
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Operation Research O.R. Topics (Assignment
Help, Homework Help)
1. Operation Research Introduction
a. Phase & Processes of Operation Research
b. Techniques of OR
c. Advantages
d. Limitation
2. Linear Programming-Model Formulation and Graphical Method
a. Introduction of Linear Programming & Basic Terminology
b. General Problems in LP
c. How to Model Formulation
d. Graphical Method
e. Special Cases Examples
f. Linear Programming Limitation
3. Simplex Method
a. Simplex Method Introduction & Maximization Case
b. Simplex Algorithm & Examples
c. Simplex Method Minimization Case
d. Two Phase Method
e. The Big M Method
f. Special Cases
4. Duality Testing & Sensitivity Testing
a. Introduction & Mixed Constraints
b. Dual Simplex Method
c. Sensitivity Analysis
5. Transportation Problem
6. Assignment Problem
a. Hungarian Algorithm & Method
b. Crew Assignment Problem
c. Travelling Salesman Problem
7. Integer Programming
8. Game Theory
a. Algebraic Method
b. Calculus Method
c. Linear Programming Method
9. Goal Programming
a. Model Formulation & Graphical Method
10. Waiting Lines Model
11. Inventory Control Model
12. Dynamics Programming
a. Find Shortest Route
b. Solution of LB by Dynamic Programming DP
c. Inventory Control
d. Electronic device based problems
13. Replacement Models
14. Nonlinear Programming
a. Quadratic Programming & Quadratic Simplex Method
b. Separable Programming & Problems
15. Simulation Models
a. Steps in Simulation Process
b. Bakery Shop Problem
c. Simulation & Inventory Control
d. Simulation & Queuing System
e. Simulation & Capital Budgeting
f. Simulation Limitation
16. Sequencing Model
a. Sequencing Model Taxonomy
b. Processing n jobs through two machine & three machine
c. Processing two jobs through m machine
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